About Me
Hello, my name is Alex Machin. I am a Front-End Web Developer from Sheffield who loves producing high quality websites and web applications.
I've been a Front-End Web Developer for just over 6 years now, and I've enjoyed every moment of it. My journey started at University and since then I've either been working with local companies, developing cool side projects and connecting with developers on various social platforms.
I use HTML, CSS and Javascript, though my current focus is using technologies such as:
- ReactJS
A JavaScript library/framework which makes developing web applications easier thanks to their built-in API's and UI component approach.
- Storybook
An open source development tool which make's creating and maintaining (Upgrading and Testing) UI components in isolation.
- Tailwind
A utility first CSS framework which can be used to achieve robust designs directly within the markup.
- NodeJS
A powerful cross-platform tool which allows JavaScript to be executed outside the browser, for example building GraphQL or Express API services.
- Jest
A JavaScript framework for creating and running unit and integration tests, I often use this with a combination of other libraries React-Testing-Library or Mock Service Worker
- Expo
An open-source platform for producing cross platform (web, iOS and Android) applications using React-Native.
TheOpenMovieDB Clone
An ongoing passion project where I'm cloning TheOpenMovieDB's web application, this involves developing a UI with React and a server using GraphQL.
Project Link's
Shopping List Assistant
A mobile application built using React-Native and Expo, it was built purely to learn about cross platform mobile applications.
Project Link's